Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Christmas Message For 2010

There are few people in the world that inspire me to remember what is important in life; but my friend Bob from Pine Falls, Manitoba is one of them. He's not interested in what you do for a living or how much money you make; what kind of car you drive or "who" you are wearing. Bob likes to spend time with you talking about real things like life, music, and family. And when he likes you or loves you, he tells you.

I guess to some people this might not seem like a very strong reason to write about Bob. But that's exactly the challenge today. How many people do you know actually talk with you? I mean, really talk and care about what you are saying? The reality is, most people talk with you only to have a channel to hear themselves speak; to tell you what they know, who they know, what they own, etc. You know that's true. That's why is is also sad.

Bob inspires me to be the person I want to be. Kind; caring; thoughtful; unassuming; peaceful. As you move into this new decade, perhaps you can use Bob as your inspiration to be the change you wish to see in the world. Thanks, Bob.

In this photo, Bob tells me that he loves me like his brother and looks forward to seeing me again soon. Yes, me too, my friend.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Holidays from RED TV Canada!

Where does a year go? Amazing!

What an incredible year for us. We focused on two main goals for 2009 and both of them came to fruition. First, we had the unbelievable opportunity to travel to Rwanda with World Vision Canada. There, we found sponsors for 24 children and lives were changed forever; including our own. Along with many other life lessons, we learned how blessed we are to live in Canada. The people and energy in Rwanda was amazing and we highly recommend anyone thinking of traveling there to stop thinking and just go!

Our second goal was to continue our strong relationship with Westjet. And that, we have done! With several locations already under our belts, we are excited about 2010 and where we are going with this partnership. If you are thinking about escaping the cold Canadian winter, please visit www.westjetvacations.com to find your next getaway!

Thank-you to everyone that we met this year. There are just so many people to thank and send warm wishes! We hope you all have a safe and joyful holiday season.

In this photo, we model our Santa hats as we overlook the town of Zihuatanejo (Ixtapa) in Mexico.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wave of Hospitality

One thing that I've learned since being in Mexico is that the people here are incredibly hard-working. It amazes me to see the level of dedication and commitment they have in providing a world-class vacation experience. From the early hours of dawn to the late night and beyond, the service workers in Cancun are eager to assist you in any way they can to ensure your experience is positive, friendly, and memorable. The hospitality here comes in waves and, like the tide, is tireless.

There is indeed an energy here that is hard to describe. People are actually happy! They are very appreciative of the work they have; and it shows. A special thank-you to the people at the Royal in Cancun for the spectacular accomodations. Do yourself a favour and stay here while in Cancun! As well, thanks to  Best Day for our ground transportation and local tours. A special thanks to our driver (now, good friend) Eddie for his thoughfulness and professionalism. Of course, you can find this and more at Westjet Vacations

In this photo, I am about to be swamped by a glorious turquois wave on the beach at the Royal in Cancun. And, yes, this wave is bigger than it looks!

Humble Human

WOW! Words cannot describe the feelings we experienced while visiting Dolphinaris in Cozumel. These animals are simply in a league of their own. Intelligent; majestic; powerful; gentle; graceful. The people at Dolphinaris take great care and pride in their work with the dolphins and use the facility to focus on education and understanding.

This is not a dog & pony show. The facility indeed uses engaging and entertaining techniques so that humans and dolphins can share these great moments together. But, believe me, no one can make a 450 lb brilliant animal do something it does not want to do. The interaction is respectful and intimate. And, for me, incredibly emotional. I have no shame in saying that I cried like a baby after my encounter. I was so humbled and thankful to have shared the same space and time with these wonders of nature.

As the song goes: "Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble..". Well, visit Dolphinaris in Cozumel and see how great humility can feel.

In this picture, Renuka shares an amazing moment with our new best friend, Electra.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Just A Flicker In Time

Sitting next to Kilauea volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii is humbling, to say the least. It is estimated that Kilauea started to form somewhere between 300,000 - 600,000 years ago; and, it rose from the sea between 50,000 - 100,000 years ago. Yet, these time frames are also very short when compared to the age of the Earth or the Universe itself.

Now, think about your own life. Let's suppose that you live to be 85-years-old and have a full life. This time is just a flicker in history; a pebble on the beach in comparison to the larger concept of time. It almost feels unfair. Yet, this is what we've been giving, God willing. So how will you spend that time? Will you add value to the world or take from it? Will you live a life of significance or simply accumulate things to try and prove your value in being here? Does it matter at all?

No, I'm not saying that nothing matters. Of course, we all want to enjoy long prosperous lives and experience the wonders of human ingenuity and technology. But think about it. Does it really matter if you can get your email on an airplane at 40,000 feet or pick-up that phone call on the edge of a mountain? Will this make our lives significant?

While standing in the presence of Kilauea volcano, you can only feel a sense of vulnerability and humility; and a sense of awe. And while this volcano will be here long after we're gone, we are determined to live a life that matters, to us and to others. Light a fire with your short flicker!

Here, Renuka and I pose with Kilauea volcano (in the hazy background!) on the Big Island of Hawaii.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dawn Of A New Day

There is something simply magical about rising at the break of dawn. All seems to be right with the world. You giggle as you enjoy a quiet moment while others are still asleep; almost believing you are getting a little more than your allotted 24-hours. Many spiritual teachers suggest that this is the best time for you to meditate and get in touch with the peace of mind we all seem to chase. While I have yet learned how to meditate, I can truly say there is some peace found in watching the sun rise on this wondrous rock in the cosmos. You can live life but one day at a time; each starting with the promise of a new opportunity; the dawn of a new day. Your day. Make it count.

Here, Renuka captures me as I film the incredible sunrise this morning at the Hilton Kauai Beach Resort, on Kauai, in the Hawaiian Islands.


Photo by: Renuka Mohan

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ring Of Fire - Hawaiian Style

No, we didn't meet the Ghost of Johnny Cash nor fall into any fire! But we did have a great time at the Waikiki Starlight Lu'ai at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Simply an amazing show of cultural music and dance from the Pacific islands. Like our recent travels to Africa, these moments remind us that we are all very proud of our heritage and history. The Polynesian peoples of the South Pacific and Hawaii certainly have something to have pride in.

Renuka took this photo during the fire-dance presentation. Very cool, indeed.

Tomorrow: off to the island of Kauai!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Paradise Cove

How many times have you been so "busy" with doing something that you actually forgot why you were doing it in the first place? That is, it's very easy to get caught-up in the actual "doing" of something than the "experience". Today was one of those days for me.

We had the great fortune of visiting Pearl Harbor and the Memorial to that infamous date of December 7th, 1941. Emotionally moving; no matter what your nationality. Then, we drove to the west side of O'ahu and enjoyed the Paradise Cove Lu'au where we ate like kings & queens and enjoyed the cultural showcase of music and dance; Polynesian style.

Now seriously, how can one lose focus on these moments? Well, as a videographer, I sometimes get so "busy" with getting that next shot that I miss the essence of the experience, only to relive it when I see the video footage. I think our lives can be like that. We are so involved in getting things done that we only realize their significance when we take the time to reflect; or, watch that mental video footage called our memories.

So, what the hell am I babbling about? I'm talking about the old saying, "Stop and smell the roses". Enjoy each moment by living in the now. If things are not going "your way", then get over yourself and keep moving forward. I know it happens because it happened to me today; and, I was in Paradise...Cove, that is!

How did I come to realize all this? By seeing Renuka's photo of me filming in Paradise Cove, O'ahu. Yes, Peter, you have it so hard! Smell the roses?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Aloha from Waikiki

As a Canadian, I am so grateful to live in one of the best countries in the world. But, man, I am tired of winters! Today I spent the day at the Hilton Village Resort on Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii. Simply unbelievable! Bath-water warm waves rolled onto my feet as I strolled the along the ocean's edge looking for that next amazing shot. There is something magical about being near the ocean; its energy; its power; its beauty. A vacation here can do wonders for the soul.

If you are thinking about Hawaii as a vacation destination, visit Westjet Vacations and see what is waiting for you.

In this photo, Renuka snaps a picture of me while I set-up for one of a few nights shots we filmed tonight.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rwanda: the New Emerging Business Leader

While visiting Rwanda, we were struck by the determination and hard-working attitude of the Rwandese people. It is no surprise, then, that the World Bank has named Rwanda as the global leader in business reform during the past year.

Here are some of the details as reported by www.allafrica.com

"Out of the 10 indicators of the World Bank, Rwanda registered massive reforms-the best globally, in starting a business, employing workers, dealing with construction permits, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, trading across borders and closing business.

The business reforms are part of the government's wider efforts to promote Rwanda as a business and investment destination, in order to drive the growth of the private sector and generate wealth.
"On behalf of the Government of Rwanda, I want to acknowledge and welcome the results of Doing Business 2010 Report. This year we have done a major overhaul of our legal framework by modernising key business laws, following the best laws worldwide," said Makuza."

Awesome news for Rwanda!

In the above photo, Renuka works with local basket weavers from the Rwanda Basket Company.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Weaving Love: one basket at a time

While in Rwanda, we had the great pleasure of visiting a cooperative of basket weavers who are supported by the Rwanda Basket Company and Rwanda Partners . The vision of the Rwanda Basket Company is to empower the impoverished women of Rwanda to rise above their subsistence level existence by providing them with the training, tools and support needed to sell their baskets in the west. These baskets are beautiful pieces of art that celebrate the power of forgiveness and healing within Rwanda.

So, what are you placing in your basket today? Love? Peace? Forgiveness? Is it really possible that joy can be found in just being aware of the beauty that life offers? Maybe. Could these baskets be a metaphor for human beings in that we are beautiful empty shells that can choose to hold joy or choose to hold despair? Maybe. All I know is that these women inspired us with their strength and resolve to move forward by weaving love and forgiveness into each basket. Put something good into your basket today.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

We Are Family

Renuka and I just spent the Labour Day long weekend in Havelock, Ontario, with dozens of friends and relatives who came together to celebrate the lives of two beloved uncles who have since passed away. Uncle Fred/Tom (don't ask!) and Uncle Mac were not only brothers but life-long friends and companions. Their influence on the Babb family (originally from Bell Island) and the many related families connected with them (including mine, the Clarke family) will live on forever through the music we play and the stories we share. Since returning from Rwanda only days prior to the weekend, it seemed even more important for Renuka and I to reconnect with our family. We saw many families in Rwanda torn apart by genocide, HIV-Aids, and poverty. How is it that we have been so blessed in this life is a question we ask daily. We are so grateful.

Here, I am pictured with my Aunt Joan who survives my Uncle Mac who passed away in August 2009. She is a pillar of strength; filled with love and kindness. We were so happy to spend this time with her in celebration of the life and music of Mac. 

Dreamers never die, just the dreamer. Dream on and be happy!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Water World

Since returning this week to Canada from my journey in Rwanda, I am so more aware of the life-saving blessings we have in this country. Mainly speaking: water. This morning, I woke up and walked four feet to my washroom where I could use a fully functioning toilet, brush my teeth with fresh clean water, then take a warm/hot shower to clean. Seriously, how lucky are we?

My heart aches when I think of our sponsored child, Gaudence, who lives in a mud-hut, with a thatched roof, who cannot even imagine having these luxuries. Her day does not start with a four foot walk to clean water. Her day is more about survival; including the need for water.

If you have the great fortune of showering today and drinking from a tap, please remember those who are on this earth who have the same basic human needs and are struggling to survive. Awareness creates an atmosphere for change. I plan to change Gaudence's experience on this planet. I don't think clean water should be optional.

I took this photo at the World Vision office in Nyamata, Rwanda.

Friday, August 28, 2009

So Long, Rwanda...for now

As we depart from Rwanda tomorrow, a surge of images swirl in my head. The beautiful rolling hills; the electric city streets of Kigali; but, mostly, the people. Like more Westerners, what we know of Rwanda is mostly dictated by the stories of the 1994 genocide. To this day, many countries who have suffered tragic events find it hard to show the world another side. Let's face it, it's hard to think of Vietnam without the images of the North-South war of the late 60s/early 70s. 

Nevertheless, Rwanda has emerged from the ashes of 15-years ago and is moving in a direction that is being closely watched by the international community. The path to forgiveness and reconciliation is being carved by the Rwandese people; and you can feel it. If anything I've learned on this trip is that you surely cannot believe you know a country and its people by simply watching TV or by viewing the move "Hotel Rwanda". This is the real deal and its people are at the heart of its rise to dignity.

In this photo, I share a moment with my new friend, Rodrigues. Thank-you, Rwanda. So long, for now.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Yo Yo Yo

In spending time with World Vision Canada in Rwanda, I've come to realize that life is full of ups and downs. The key seems to be living in the moment; being in the now. Our choices in life are directly related to our level of awareness. And as many people in Rwanda are living their daily lives in survivor-mode, the importance of those choices are truly magnified.

Here, I am enjoying the now by showing one of our sponsored children how to use a Yo-Yo. Another simple pleasure and beautiful moment to appreciate how lucky we are to live in Canada.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Joy to the World

How infectious is a smile? How simple and pure is it to share a tiny moment with another human being who understands your language without using words. How many times do we honestly try to make this connection in our daily lives? In Canada, we are so fortunate and blessed to bathe in abundance and opportunity; health, peace, security, education. Yet, at times, we may feel we are "struggling" to get by; to get through the day. We live in the future; always concerned about the things that we were taught to be important, when deep down, the genuine desire for peace-of-mind and connection pulls at our actual being.

Too deep? Maybe. But in visiting Rwanda and meeting some of its most vulnerable citizens, it has reminded me of the simple pleasures that I so take for granted. A smile; a laugh; a gesture of kindness; a connection with my humanity. How can that be a bad thing?

In this photo, Renuka makes one of those connections with Patrick (right) one of the sponsored children, and his big brother Eric. Can you feel it? 

Monday, August 24, 2009

Rock of Ages

There is no doubt in my mind that my good friend, Garth, will have quite the laugh at this photo! Today, we were assisting a sponsored family in the construction of their new home; a home that was paid for by World Vision Canada. We met the woman who would be living in the home and her story is unfortunately very familiar in the Nyamata area of Rwanda. She is a widow with three children; the fourth child just passed on July 26th of this year. Incredible strength and courage. 

As for me, moving around large rocks that will be used for the foundation and making mud bricks was all labour intensive and humbling. I've said it before: we have won the birth lottery in Canada! Freedom; resources; opportunity; safety; we have it all and more. I'd like to encourage you to start every day by simply asking yourself: "What am I grateful for?" I promise you, if you live in Canada, breathing fresh air, and taking a shower, then start with that.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Emotional Rescue

As a musician and big fan of the Rolling Stones, I'm certain that even Mick Jagger would have a tough time understanding the compassion and forgiveness that I personally witnessed while in Rwanda. In this photo with me is Narcisse (left) and Pascal (right). Both of these men are part of a reconciliation program administered by Rwanda Partners (www.rwandapartners.org) where victims and perpetrators of the 1994 genocide are brought together to reconcile and forgive so that the country can move forward with healing and live in peace. 

Narcisse was the man who murdered Pascal's pregnant wife during the killings of 1994. Through the long process of reconciliation and forgiveness, they have since become great friends and now spend much time together with each other and their families. I did not know how I was going to feel while sitting in the presence of Narcisse when I first learned of his story. It's hard to explain but I came to see him more as a human being like me than like a cold-blooded killer. Believe me, I am still struggling to understand. That's another part of the Journey to Rwanda.

This week we start building a new house for one of the sponsored families.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Love Beauty

Michael Beckwith describes God as "Love Beauty". He must have travelled to Rwanda. Another amazing day filled with sights and sounds that only the Land of A Thousand Hills can provide. We visited a local family effected by HIV-AIDS and their home that was built by generous Canadians. We experienced "A Day In The Life" of this family and participated in the daily activities that must happen in order to survive. After collecting firewood, fetching water, gathering feed for livestock, and preparing a meal, we learned very quickly how challenging it is to provide the necessities what we would call "the basics" in Canada. We truly are blessed to live in our great country!

This photo was taken by Renuka while we were visiting a farming cooperative. Yes, indeed, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Friendly Rwanda

Another full day of travelling around the Nyamata area of Rwanda visiting a number of newly sponsored children. We also had the opportunity to visit a couple of local businesses that have succeeded due the strong support of World Vision's micro-financing program. These success stories are proof that most people, including Rwandans, want a hand-up and not a hand-out.

While visiting the area where the small businesses are located, a local Rwandan girl could not get enough of Renuka and shadowed her throughout the afternoon. We first met her two days ago while visiting to the same area to meet one of the sponsored children. It was really amazing to see her light-up when she saw Renuka jump out of the van! We cannot say enough about the spirit and energy of the Rwandese!

Tomorrow, we spend the day experiencing "a day in the life" of one of the local families. We will also be visiting more of our sponsored children. Life truly is best spent in the "now".

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Incredible Moment

Renuka and I travelled to meet our sponsored child, Gaudence, today. What an incredible moment! She's just so awesome. Her grandmother cares for her as the Mom passed 9-months ago while giving birth to Gaudence's baby sister. The grandmother also cares for Gaudence's 7-yr old brother. No word on the Dad.

The family was so unbelievably thankful for the sponsorship and more importantly for the personal visit. We've not been more humbled in our lives to think that we can create such joy and gratitude in another human being. It moves you beyond words.

We also been meeting other sponsored children and capturing the experience on video for our generous sponsors back in Canada. We promise you all that your funding has a life-changing effect on the families and communities.

The Rwanda people are just incredible in spirit. With each simple smile and hand-wave, their faces light up with beautiful smiles and gracious welcomes. We feel so fortunate to have these experiences instead of relying on media reports and hear-say to determine our opinions. The message is clear: don't believe everything you see or hear. Go out and live life and make up your own mind!

Monday, August 17, 2009


What an unbelievable first day in Rwanda! The land of a thousand hills is also the land of a million smiles. We spent our first day in the rural area of Nyamata visiting several of our sponsored children with World Vision Canada. For those who have sponsored children in conjunction with our Journey to Rwanda, your generous involvement has truly changed lives; and it is simply magic to see it in person. We hope to meet each child in person and bring to you personal video to share the experience. So far, the only word I can find is "WOW"!

I also had the incredible experience of speaking with a local World Vision representative who shared her experience with me about the loss of her mother during the genocide in 1994. She spoke of how her neighbour, who knew the family very well, decide to participate by killing her Mom. She has since forgiven her perpetrator and goes on to tell that she chose to forgive so that she good live again in peace. Simply unbelievable. I plan to share these and other stories upon our return.

Tomorrow, we visit our sponsored child, Gaudence. This should prove emotional.

In this photo, I share a moment with Augustin and Claude who were both excited to have a visitor from Canada to connect on behalf of their sponsor. Their parents were just so thankful and happy to know that their children not only have a future, but now have hope. Can there be a better feeling?

Chat with you again, tomorrow!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Renuka and I made it safely to Kigali after 26-hours of travel. VERY tired right now and off to bed. We will be in the field on Monday meeting some of the sponsored children with World Vision Canada.

Pictures and video to come soon!

For the record, we are 8-hours ahead of Calgary time (MTN).

Monday, August 10, 2009

SportsChek Got Balls!

Thanks to Chris and the guys at SportsChek in SE Calgary for purchasing 5 soccer balls and donating them for our trip to Rwanda with World Vision Canada.

We really appreciate your support and will be sure to get pictures & video of the boys in Rwanda kickin' it!

Thanks to Staples in Calgary

Thanks to Amanda Lee, Sales Manager with Staples at 130th Ave SE in Calgary, for donating coloured pencils for all the sponsored children that we will be meeting on our trip to Rwanda in August. We really appreciate the kind gesture. The kids will love them!

RED TV will be traveling to Rwanda with World Vision Canada in support of child-sponsorship.

Learn more at www.redtv.ca/rwanda

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hidden Faces of AIDS - World Vision

Wow! This is simply unreal. As a human being sharing this planet, I cannot sit by and watch this unfold. I refuse to measure my life by the size of my RRSP. C'mon Canada! Let's all play a small role in creating awareness and living with compassion for those that really need our help with AIDS.

Canada is the greatest country in the world. We won the birth lottery by living here. Please help share your blessings with just one other human being.

Thanks to World Vision Canada for doing great work.

Click here to watch video: http://tinyurl.com/lkdash

World Vision Sponsorship

I'm never surprised when musicians step up and want to help the world around us. Thank-you to the band Vagabond Blonde in Calgary who have decided to sponsor a child in Rwanda through World Vision Canada. The cool thing is that we will meet their sponsored child this month as RED TV travels to Rwanda!

There are many folks out there that like to bash celebrity musicians, such as Bono, for the great philanthropic work that they do when it comes to global issues such as extreme poverty. Thankfully, most musicians don't listen to the nay-sayers, anyway. I've yet to see a statue erected for a critic! 

And so the message of love and compassion is sent to Rwanda via a group of musicians in Calgary who may not be as famous as U2 but have chosen to speak with their actions and not with the cynicism of critics. I am so grateful to know the difference between talkers and doers. Artists truly are the lightning rods of action and change. Happy to be a fellow musician!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Doing What You Can

I received an inspiring email today from a distant cousin in Ontario. After hearing that we were soon traveling to Rwanda with World Vision Canada, my cousin sent an email saying that she and her husband wanted to help in their own way by offering a donation so that we may purchase local staple items for one of the families we will be visiting. 

This is what our Journey to Rwanda is all about: moving people to action. Whether it's sponsoring a child, donating resources, or simply creating awareness, we can all help someone today. Thank-you to Susan & Sheldon Sweeney for making the conscious effort to get involved. 

For everyone, making a difference is your decision; not your destiny.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Working On A Rwanda Dream

With our upcoming trip to Rwanda, I can't help but think about the number one question that I seem to be asking myself: Why? Life is such a journey; no fixed plan; no map of stone. Why do we do what we do? I'm really not sure. But I can say that being focused on helping other people seems to be a path to meaning and peace of mind.

As a big fan of the Boss, I plan to start using this song as an inspiration to remind myself that what I'm looking for is not "out there" but right here in me. So, when you ask me, "What are you working on?", you already know the answer! Working on a dream.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Career Anxiety: Winners or Losers

This is a very interesting talk about the stress that some of us feel when it comes to "winning" in life. This is definitely worth the time to watch and listen.

World Vision in Rwanda

Well, we are 2 weeks away from our trip to Rwanda with World Vision Canada. From our research and findings to date, this will be a life-changing experience to say the very least. Rwanda is an incredible country with a potentially bright future. Business and trade opportunities are being created daily as its people move towards embracing new technologies and ideas.

We are still looking for two more child-sponsors before we leave. We know we will find them because they are looking for us! To learn more, visit: www.redtv.ca/rwanda/home.html

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Happy Birthday, TIA

Okay, seriously! How good-looking is Tia.?

She'll be 13-yrs old on August 1st; still acts like a 3-yr old and healthy. What a great friend she has been for me. Dogs are simply the coolest. Happy Birthday, Tia!

Damian Follett Releases New CD

Check out the latest CD from singer/songwriter Damian Follett at his website www.follettmusic.com

I thought this was easy!

Trying to get this blog site ready for our trip to Rwanda.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Looking for a great blog site!

Well, I've signed up on this site but still searcging for a the best blog solution. Any ideas?