Friday, August 28, 2009

So Long, Rwanda...for now

As we depart from Rwanda tomorrow, a surge of images swirl in my head. The beautiful rolling hills; the electric city streets of Kigali; but, mostly, the people. Like more Westerners, what we know of Rwanda is mostly dictated by the stories of the 1994 genocide. To this day, many countries who have suffered tragic events find it hard to show the world another side. Let's face it, it's hard to think of Vietnam without the images of the North-South war of the late 60s/early 70s. 

Nevertheless, Rwanda has emerged from the ashes of 15-years ago and is moving in a direction that is being closely watched by the international community. The path to forgiveness and reconciliation is being carved by the Rwandese people; and you can feel it. If anything I've learned on this trip is that you surely cannot believe you know a country and its people by simply watching TV or by viewing the move "Hotel Rwanda". This is the real deal and its people are at the heart of its rise to dignity.

In this photo, I share a moment with my new friend, Rodrigues. Thank-you, Rwanda. So long, for now.

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