Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Friendly Rwanda

Another full day of travelling around the Nyamata area of Rwanda visiting a number of newly sponsored children. We also had the opportunity to visit a couple of local businesses that have succeeded due the strong support of World Vision's micro-financing program. These success stories are proof that most people, including Rwandans, want a hand-up and not a hand-out.

While visiting the area where the small businesses are located, a local Rwandan girl could not get enough of Renuka and shadowed her throughout the afternoon. We first met her two days ago while visiting to the same area to meet one of the sponsored children. It was really amazing to see her light-up when she saw Renuka jump out of the van! We cannot say enough about the spirit and energy of the Rwandese!

Tomorrow, we spend the day experiencing "a day in the life" of one of the local families. We will also be visiting more of our sponsored children. Life truly is best spent in the "now".

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