Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Joy to the World

How infectious is a smile? How simple and pure is it to share a tiny moment with another human being who understands your language without using words. How many times do we honestly try to make this connection in our daily lives? In Canada, we are so fortunate and blessed to bathe in abundance and opportunity; health, peace, security, education. Yet, at times, we may feel we are "struggling" to get by; to get through the day. We live in the future; always concerned about the things that we were taught to be important, when deep down, the genuine desire for peace-of-mind and connection pulls at our actual being.

Too deep? Maybe. But in visiting Rwanda and meeting some of its most vulnerable citizens, it has reminded me of the simple pleasures that I so take for granted. A smile; a laugh; a gesture of kindness; a connection with my humanity. How can that be a bad thing?

In this photo, Renuka makes one of those connections with Patrick (right) one of the sponsored children, and his big brother Eric. Can you feel it? 

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