Monday, August 24, 2009

Rock of Ages

There is no doubt in my mind that my good friend, Garth, will have quite the laugh at this photo! Today, we were assisting a sponsored family in the construction of their new home; a home that was paid for by World Vision Canada. We met the woman who would be living in the home and her story is unfortunately very familiar in the Nyamata area of Rwanda. She is a widow with three children; the fourth child just passed on July 26th of this year. Incredible strength and courage. 

As for me, moving around large rocks that will be used for the foundation and making mud bricks was all labour intensive and humbling. I've said it before: we have won the birth lottery in Canada! Freedom; resources; opportunity; safety; we have it all and more. I'd like to encourage you to start every day by simply asking yourself: "What am I grateful for?" I promise you, if you live in Canada, breathing fresh air, and taking a shower, then start with that.

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