Friday, September 11, 2009

Weaving Love: one basket at a time

While in Rwanda, we had the great pleasure of visiting a cooperative of basket weavers who are supported by the Rwanda Basket Company and Rwanda Partners . The vision of the Rwanda Basket Company is to empower the impoverished women of Rwanda to rise above their subsistence level existence by providing them with the training, tools and support needed to sell their baskets in the west. These baskets are beautiful pieces of art that celebrate the power of forgiveness and healing within Rwanda.

So, what are you placing in your basket today? Love? Peace? Forgiveness? Is it really possible that joy can be found in just being aware of the beauty that life offers? Maybe. Could these baskets be a metaphor for human beings in that we are beautiful empty shells that can choose to hold joy or choose to hold despair? Maybe. All I know is that these women inspired us with their strength and resolve to move forward by weaving love and forgiveness into each basket. Put something good into your basket today.

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