Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dawn Of A New Day

There is something simply magical about rising at the break of dawn. All seems to be right with the world. You giggle as you enjoy a quiet moment while others are still asleep; almost believing you are getting a little more than your allotted 24-hours. Many spiritual teachers suggest that this is the best time for you to meditate and get in touch with the peace of mind we all seem to chase. While I have yet learned how to meditate, I can truly say there is some peace found in watching the sun rise on this wondrous rock in the cosmos. You can live life but one day at a time; each starting with the promise of a new opportunity; the dawn of a new day. Your day. Make it count.

Here, Renuka captures me as I film the incredible sunrise this morning at the Hilton Kauai Beach Resort, on Kauai, in the Hawaiian Islands.


Photo by: Renuka Mohan

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