Friday, September 4, 2009

Water World

Since returning this week to Canada from my journey in Rwanda, I am so more aware of the life-saving blessings we have in this country. Mainly speaking: water. This morning, I woke up and walked four feet to my washroom where I could use a fully functioning toilet, brush my teeth with fresh clean water, then take a warm/hot shower to clean. Seriously, how lucky are we?

My heart aches when I think of our sponsored child, Gaudence, who lives in a mud-hut, with a thatched roof, who cannot even imagine having these luxuries. Her day does not start with a four foot walk to clean water. Her day is more about survival; including the need for water.

If you have the great fortune of showering today and drinking from a tap, please remember those who are on this earth who have the same basic human needs and are struggling to survive. Awareness creates an atmosphere for change. I plan to change Gaudence's experience on this planet. I don't think clean water should be optional.

I took this photo at the World Vision office in Nyamata, Rwanda.

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