Thursday, August 6, 2009

World Vision Sponsorship

I'm never surprised when musicians step up and want to help the world around us. Thank-you to the band Vagabond Blonde in Calgary who have decided to sponsor a child in Rwanda through World Vision Canada. The cool thing is that we will meet their sponsored child this month as RED TV travels to Rwanda!

There are many folks out there that like to bash celebrity musicians, such as Bono, for the great philanthropic work that they do when it comes to global issues such as extreme poverty. Thankfully, most musicians don't listen to the nay-sayers, anyway. I've yet to see a statue erected for a critic! 

And so the message of love and compassion is sent to Rwanda via a group of musicians in Calgary who may not be as famous as U2 but have chosen to speak with their actions and not with the cynicism of critics. I am so grateful to know the difference between talkers and doers. Artists truly are the lightning rods of action and change. Happy to be a fellow musician!

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