Thursday, October 8, 2009

Paradise Cove

How many times have you been so "busy" with doing something that you actually forgot why you were doing it in the first place? That is, it's very easy to get caught-up in the actual "doing" of something than the "experience". Today was one of those days for me.

We had the great fortune of visiting Pearl Harbor and the Memorial to that infamous date of December 7th, 1941. Emotionally moving; no matter what your nationality. Then, we drove to the west side of O'ahu and enjoyed the Paradise Cove Lu'au where we ate like kings & queens and enjoyed the cultural showcase of music and dance; Polynesian style.

Now seriously, how can one lose focus on these moments? Well, as a videographer, I sometimes get so "busy" with getting that next shot that I miss the essence of the experience, only to relive it when I see the video footage. I think our lives can be like that. We are so involved in getting things done that we only realize their significance when we take the time to reflect; or, watch that mental video footage called our memories.

So, what the hell am I babbling about? I'm talking about the old saying, "Stop and smell the roses". Enjoy each moment by living in the now. If things are not going "your way", then get over yourself and keep moving forward. I know it happens because it happened to me today; and, I was in Paradise...Cove, that is!

How did I come to realize all this? By seeing Renuka's photo of me filming in Paradise Cove, O'ahu. Yes, Peter, you have it so hard! Smell the roses?

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