Monday, August 17, 2009


What an unbelievable first day in Rwanda! The land of a thousand hills is also the land of a million smiles. We spent our first day in the rural area of Nyamata visiting several of our sponsored children with World Vision Canada. For those who have sponsored children in conjunction with our Journey to Rwanda, your generous involvement has truly changed lives; and it is simply magic to see it in person. We hope to meet each child in person and bring to you personal video to share the experience. So far, the only word I can find is "WOW"!

I also had the incredible experience of speaking with a local World Vision representative who shared her experience with me about the loss of her mother during the genocide in 1994. She spoke of how her neighbour, who knew the family very well, decide to participate by killing her Mom. She has since forgiven her perpetrator and goes on to tell that she chose to forgive so that she good live again in peace. Simply unbelievable. I plan to share these and other stories upon our return.

Tomorrow, we visit our sponsored child, Gaudence. This should prove emotional.

In this photo, I share a moment with Augustin and Claude who were both excited to have a visitor from Canada to connect on behalf of their sponsor. Their parents were just so thankful and happy to know that their children not only have a future, but now have hope. Can there be a better feeling?

Chat with you again, tomorrow!

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