Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rwanda: the New Emerging Business Leader

While visiting Rwanda, we were struck by the determination and hard-working attitude of the Rwandese people. It is no surprise, then, that the World Bank has named Rwanda as the global leader in business reform during the past year.

Here are some of the details as reported by www.allafrica.com

"Out of the 10 indicators of the World Bank, Rwanda registered massive reforms-the best globally, in starting a business, employing workers, dealing with construction permits, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, trading across borders and closing business.

The business reforms are part of the government's wider efforts to promote Rwanda as a business and investment destination, in order to drive the growth of the private sector and generate wealth.
"On behalf of the Government of Rwanda, I want to acknowledge and welcome the results of Doing Business 2010 Report. This year we have done a major overhaul of our legal framework by modernising key business laws, following the best laws worldwide," said Makuza."

Awesome news for Rwanda!

In the above photo, Renuka works with local basket weavers from the Rwanda Basket Company.

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