Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rwanda: the New Emerging Business Leader

While visiting Rwanda, we were struck by the determination and hard-working attitude of the Rwandese people. It is no surprise, then, that the World Bank has named Rwanda as the global leader in business reform during the past year.

Here are some of the details as reported by www.allafrica.com

"Out of the 10 indicators of the World Bank, Rwanda registered massive reforms-the best globally, in starting a business, employing workers, dealing with construction permits, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, trading across borders and closing business.

The business reforms are part of the government's wider efforts to promote Rwanda as a business and investment destination, in order to drive the growth of the private sector and generate wealth.
"On behalf of the Government of Rwanda, I want to acknowledge and welcome the results of Doing Business 2010 Report. This year we have done a major overhaul of our legal framework by modernising key business laws, following the best laws worldwide," said Makuza."

Awesome news for Rwanda!

In the above photo, Renuka works with local basket weavers from the Rwanda Basket Company.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Weaving Love: one basket at a time

While in Rwanda, we had the great pleasure of visiting a cooperative of basket weavers who are supported by the Rwanda Basket Company and Rwanda Partners . The vision of the Rwanda Basket Company is to empower the impoverished women of Rwanda to rise above their subsistence level existence by providing them with the training, tools and support needed to sell their baskets in the west. These baskets are beautiful pieces of art that celebrate the power of forgiveness and healing within Rwanda.

So, what are you placing in your basket today? Love? Peace? Forgiveness? Is it really possible that joy can be found in just being aware of the beauty that life offers? Maybe. Could these baskets be a metaphor for human beings in that we are beautiful empty shells that can choose to hold joy or choose to hold despair? Maybe. All I know is that these women inspired us with their strength and resolve to move forward by weaving love and forgiveness into each basket. Put something good into your basket today.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

We Are Family

Renuka and I just spent the Labour Day long weekend in Havelock, Ontario, with dozens of friends and relatives who came together to celebrate the lives of two beloved uncles who have since passed away. Uncle Fred/Tom (don't ask!) and Uncle Mac were not only brothers but life-long friends and companions. Their influence on the Babb family (originally from Bell Island) and the many related families connected with them (including mine, the Clarke family) will live on forever through the music we play and the stories we share. Since returning from Rwanda only days prior to the weekend, it seemed even more important for Renuka and I to reconnect with our family. We saw many families in Rwanda torn apart by genocide, HIV-Aids, and poverty. How is it that we have been so blessed in this life is a question we ask daily. We are so grateful.

Here, I am pictured with my Aunt Joan who survives my Uncle Mac who passed away in August 2009. She is a pillar of strength; filled with love and kindness. We were so happy to spend this time with her in celebration of the life and music of Mac. 

Dreamers never die, just the dreamer. Dream on and be happy!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Water World

Since returning this week to Canada from my journey in Rwanda, I am so more aware of the life-saving blessings we have in this country. Mainly speaking: water. This morning, I woke up and walked four feet to my washroom where I could use a fully functioning toilet, brush my teeth with fresh clean water, then take a warm/hot shower to clean. Seriously, how lucky are we?

My heart aches when I think of our sponsored child, Gaudence, who lives in a mud-hut, with a thatched roof, who cannot even imagine having these luxuries. Her day does not start with a four foot walk to clean water. Her day is more about survival; including the need for water.

If you have the great fortune of showering today and drinking from a tap, please remember those who are on this earth who have the same basic human needs and are struggling to survive. Awareness creates an atmosphere for change. I plan to change Gaudence's experience on this planet. I don't think clean water should be optional.

I took this photo at the World Vision office in Nyamata, Rwanda.