Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Christmas Message For 2010

There are few people in the world that inspire me to remember what is important in life; but my friend Bob from Pine Falls, Manitoba is one of them. He's not interested in what you do for a living or how much money you make; what kind of car you drive or "who" you are wearing. Bob likes to spend time with you talking about real things like life, music, and family. And when he likes you or loves you, he tells you.

I guess to some people this might not seem like a very strong reason to write about Bob. But that's exactly the challenge today. How many people do you know actually talk with you? I mean, really talk and care about what you are saying? The reality is, most people talk with you only to have a channel to hear themselves speak; to tell you what they know, who they know, what they own, etc. You know that's true. That's why is is also sad.

Bob inspires me to be the person I want to be. Kind; caring; thoughtful; unassuming; peaceful. As you move into this new decade, perhaps you can use Bob as your inspiration to be the change you wish to see in the world. Thanks, Bob.

In this photo, Bob tells me that he loves me like his brother and looks forward to seeing me again soon. Yes, me too, my friend.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Holidays from RED TV Canada!

Where does a year go? Amazing!

What an incredible year for us. We focused on two main goals for 2009 and both of them came to fruition. First, we had the unbelievable opportunity to travel to Rwanda with World Vision Canada. There, we found sponsors for 24 children and lives were changed forever; including our own. Along with many other life lessons, we learned how blessed we are to live in Canada. The people and energy in Rwanda was amazing and we highly recommend anyone thinking of traveling there to stop thinking and just go!

Our second goal was to continue our strong relationship with Westjet. And that, we have done! With several locations already under our belts, we are excited about 2010 and where we are going with this partnership. If you are thinking about escaping the cold Canadian winter, please visit www.westjetvacations.com to find your next getaway!

Thank-you to everyone that we met this year. There are just so many people to thank and send warm wishes! We hope you all have a safe and joyful holiday season.

In this photo, we model our Santa hats as we overlook the town of Zihuatanejo (Ixtapa) in Mexico.