Thursday, July 30, 2009

Career Anxiety: Winners or Losers

This is a very interesting talk about the stress that some of us feel when it comes to "winning" in life. This is definitely worth the time to watch and listen.

World Vision in Rwanda

Well, we are 2 weeks away from our trip to Rwanda with World Vision Canada. From our research and findings to date, this will be a life-changing experience to say the very least. Rwanda is an incredible country with a potentially bright future. Business and trade opportunities are being created daily as its people move towards embracing new technologies and ideas.

We are still looking for two more child-sponsors before we leave. We know we will find them because they are looking for us! To learn more, visit:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Happy Birthday, TIA

Okay, seriously! How good-looking is Tia.?

She'll be 13-yrs old on August 1st; still acts like a 3-yr old and healthy. What a great friend she has been for me. Dogs are simply the coolest. Happy Birthday, Tia!

Damian Follett Releases New CD

Check out the latest CD from singer/songwriter Damian Follett at his website

I thought this was easy!

Trying to get this blog site ready for our trip to Rwanda.